Our Services

Here at The Manual Method Physical Therapy we employ the Manual Method, hands on 1:1 with a skilled PT assessing all manner of compensation and truly getting down to the root that led to the injury in the first place.

Manual Method

The Manual Method is a unique treatment technique to address multiple different body systems. Most physical therapy is simply massage and exercise. The Manual Method encompasses much more. It is working with your body’s natural resources, including your nervous system, digestive, diaphragmatic breathing, hormones and joint mechanics. Injuries do not happen in a vacuum. The more chronic an injury is, the more involved/ stressed our body systems become. The Manual Method uses multiple different modalities to include Cranial Sacral, Myofascial Release, Strain Counterstrain, Muscle Energy, nervous system modulation via the Vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk, and traditional orthopedic treatments to make sure we are addressing the whole picture. Every patient that walks through our doors, is more than just their injury. Let us at RDB Physical therapy show you what the Manual Method can do for you!

The Importance of the Pelvis

The pelvis is the foundation. The role of the pelvis is to be stable but mobile and absorb shock with our daily activities. Once we lose this ability, we begin to see compensations. This transfers our shock absorbing capacity of the pelvis to ankles/knees/hip joints and lower lumbar spine increasing the demand and leading to abnormal wear and tear. Hypomobility can be linked with a number of different factors, and your pain may be completely elsewhere but the original dysfunction started at the pelvis. Just treating your ankle, knee or even shoulder pain may be putting a band-aide on the end result. So if you have been dealing with the same chronic injury, or had an injury treated then another injury elsewhere emerged, then that means we are still looking for the original cause. Other therapies only treat the symptoms, not the root.  Here at RDB we employ the Manual Method, hands on 1:1 with a skilled PT assessing all manner of compensations and truly getting down to the root that led to the injury in the first place. Issues treated to include Back pain, neck pain, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, post surgical and women’s health to include pregnancy, postpartum and endometriosis We not only look at the physical presentation but how the nervous system controls these presentations.  If you have questions, reach out and let us help you.

Workers Compensation

Services for the employee

We treat all work related injuries with high level care directed by a physical therapist and kinesiology specialist. 
We offer Physical Therapy Appointments with manual hands on skilled and progressive exercises to return employee to work as appropriate
Work conditioning – Progressing our medium to high level PDL patients in conditioning programming after they have completed Physical therapy, but are not at the physical level to return to a higher demand job. 

A work conditioning session will last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours and be performed 3 to 5 days a week. The program is usually 2-4 weeks. The program includes cardiovascular/ endurance training, flexibility, and strengthening in combination with work simulation type activities. THese simulations are individually designed to mimic their work environment and prepare them to return to work and reduce risk for reinjury. The program is designed by the PT and kinesiology specialist. 

Functional Capacity evaluations – An FCE is a comprehensive evaluation to determine an injured worker’s ability to function in a work environment and ability/capacity to perform various aspects of the job demands. 

Services for the employer

Post Offer Employment Testing (POET)s
As a business owner, you want to make sure the employees you are hiring are capable of performing their job demands when it comes to higher level and medium to high PDL level jobs. Reduce their risk for injury by having a POET performed. This exam is performed by a Physical therapist who screens the employee with an overall movement screen and then tests them on the job demands, making sure they can, not only perform said job demands, but also if they have proper form and strength to reduce their risk for injury. If you’re interested please contact the clinic to see how we can best help your company and your future employees. 
Patient education is always important to us.

Pregnancy & Postpartum

We treat pregnancy related pain and all manner of postpartum care.

At this time all evaluations and treatment are external, Internal Pelvic floor care is not offered at this time. However giving birth and caring for an infant is more than just an internal and pelvic floor related event. It is common for mothers to experience low back. middle back and neck pain as your bodies are adjusting to the changes that occured during pregnancy and the quick change of birth.  We instruct, strengthen and educate mother’s how to lift and care for their children, support feeding positions to reduce pain and most importantly provide a supportive and educational environment for the new mom to learn what is common postpartum, and what is normal. Pain is not always normal, and suffering does not have to be part of motherhood. Let us help you navigate these changes. 
Pregnancy & Postpartum Care
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